It seemed as though we had never been away – same conditions that we faced on the 9th April: wind from the North West, but gusty as usual, although temperatures were up slightly, and we saw a little more blue sky.
Our 6 boats split into 2 groups. Gary Heseltine and Trevor Gibson initially went for the road shore and then, later in the afternoon, around the island. The result was 12 fish for Gary, pulling with a DI-7 and blobs/cormorants, and 4 fish for Trevor, using a DI-5 and blobs. They were the best boat of the day.
Dougie Skedd and Allan Brown also went to the upper part of the reservoir, catching the majority of their fish along the road shore. Dougie had 9 fish using HI-D and DI-7 lines, the killing flies being minkies. Allan used a DI-3 with lures for 2 fish.
The remaining four boats stayed at the lower end of the reservoir. Tommy Steven and Peter Fionda’s boat had 10 fish to DI-3 and black/green tadpole lures. Derek Kilgour and Bryan Griffiths stayed mainly in the boat bay, where Tommy was having success, and they finished with 14 fish to the boat – using DI-3, DI-7 and fast glass lines, with orange boobies , and black and green lures.
Bob Whyte and Davie Tyrie stayed mainly in the bay at the dam, where they caught 10 fish to the boat. Bob caught on DI-3 plus an olive beaded damsel, while Davie had 2 here and a further 3 fish along the wall that divides the island from the shore. Those 3 were caught using a floating line with an indicator and a pink bug, fished static.
The 12 members caught a total of 66 fish.