All of our twenty two members turned up for our outing to Glencorse, we expected the tide to be out, and it was, but this coupled with a HOOLEY – a cold west blustery wind blowing at 25 MPH and the weather forecast advised it would get stronger about lunch time. The bailiff advised that we had a choice of going out or cancelling, so we had a hurried meeting, and the consensus was that we give it a miss – the reason for this decision was as the water was so low we would have no place to shelter from the high wind – other than immediately in front of the boat dock, however this small space would not have accommodated our eleven boats. And as we are not allowed to anchor it was felt that we would have been constantly trying to avoid each other or moving back up to the head of the wind.>But we look forward to trying Glencorse again on 19th of May – the water level MAY be up a bit by then and the wind MAY have dropped a tad.