A family of three otters, mucking about in open water on Loch Lochy.
A family of three otters, mucking about in open water on Loch Lochy.
Evidence of beavers on a Scottish river, February 2017
A day out with Euan McGrandle and Colin McCrory, spotting salmon and their redds on the River Endrick.
Flushed by the pheasant shooters. The last 2 images are animated .gif file sequences.
Not sure what species this is. He appears outside the back of the house at dusk. There is a small window of a couple of weeks where the light is late enough to overlap with his emergence time for long enough to give me a chance to try and snap him. Very tricky using ordinary…
A fat brownie picking off early season olives. Pity about the branches in the way! First one without polarising filter, remainder with.
Mostly roe deer, from the winter pheasant shooters at Lauderdale. A few red deer from Glen### and some red deer from a deer farm at Altnaharra.
These ones are semi-feral and roam about on South Uist.