Last September’s outing to Linlithgow was completely ruined by a pea soup like explosion of algae, therefore it was with some trepidation that we ventured out on this one. The algae had finally died out only a few weeks ago, however the water was in reasonable condition, given the fact that it had been stirred up by a strong wind on the previous two days. Overhead conditions were not attractive as there was still a brisk and cold West wind. Only the brave few ventured down the East end, despite hearing that there were some good fish to be had in that area, because the temperature had dropped to about 6 degrees minus wind chill. The day remained dry until about an hour before the finish, when rain set in, sending most boats in for an early finish.
The club had a hard day as the fish did not seem to be in the mood. The majority of anglers stayed in the Town Bay and that is where most of the fish were caught. Top rods with 5 fish apiece were: John Robertson fishing Montanas and a Green Fritz on a DI-3; Trevor Gibson figure of eighting a Mini Cat on an SSI line, mainly from the North Shore area; Stewart Barnes with his trusty Damsel on the point and a Black and Green Blob, anchored just out from the car park. Black and Green seemed to be the best colour with a slowish retrieve. In general, the fish caught were in excellent condition with full tails. There were several over 3 pounds, the best being caught by Adrian Coats at 5lb 7oz. Top boat with 8 fish was that of Trevor Gibson and Alan Holbrook. The total fish caught by the club was 33 from 14 rods.