This was a smallish outing with only 9 anglers attending. Despite a rather worrying forecast of rain and strong winds, the conditions on arrival were reasonable, although there was a bright sun. Most boats headed for the main basin and anchored up, although Trevor Gibson and his guest Gary Hezeltine decided to make the longer trip down to the East End.
Initially it seemed to be quite hard going, with the sun causing most of the problem, along with a cool wind. However it soon became clear that this was not troubling John Levy who was quickly into a couple of good fish on his trusty diawl bachs on a floating line. There was another local club out on the loch and a number of their boats were doing pretty well with a variety of techniques ranging from lure pulling, through washing lines, to swinging buzzers.
As far as our club was concerned, the aforementioned John L. continued to catch steadily ending up with six fish and dropping a few. Meanwhile Trevor made his journey East worthwhile with four fish caught and a few lost. His tactic was the usual buzzers with a very slow retrieve. The rest of us however scratched around for a rather miserable total of only three fish between us.
The sun eventually disappeared, but it turned cold and, although we were booked until 10.30, with no sign of a rise we started to head in about 9.30. Unfortunately, Trevor seeing an empty loch, thought he had mistaken the finishing time and came in when he would have preferred to give it a bit longer. Sod’s law did put in an appearance, as when we were heading back to the car park a few fish started to poke their heads above the surface. C’est la vie.
Overall it was a bit disappointing, but it must be said that the fish caught were in great condition and gave us a very good run for our money.
The final statistics for the evening were as follows: 9 anglers caught 13 fish for 47 and ½ lbs.