I am having no pleasure putting this report on paper; well would you if you had blanked. It was an overcast kind of day with a gentle breeze at 17oC, the water was also 17oC – the wind (I am calling it a wind now) was from ENE so I will use that as my excuse, not a very good excuse but the only one I have. I tried lots of lines – lots of flies – lots of methods and lots of retrieves all to no avail –I did have one fish on and it broke me, I said drat or something at this point.
Well that’s the bitching over so how did the others do.
My boat partner, David Tyrie, had a slightly better day, he had one using a midge tip and a FAB on the point – David worked hard trying every line in his box, every retrieve and every fly from dries to other slightly larger flies – I think I recall he also said drat or something.
Len Newby had two for 6 pounds; he got them on a Silver Invicta using a slow retrieve.
Eric Singer had a nice fish of 2 pounds 2 oz – he got it on a daddy – good for you Eric.
John Miller had a good fish of 9 pounds 4 oz John got the fish using a size ten black J.C. Diawl Bach. – This fish matches the one David Bertram had at Carron on the April outing – will I have to take a hacksaw to the Quaich? – Perhaps not.
Tam Forrest had two for 6 pounds – one on a black hopper and the other on a Bibio hopper using a Fig of 8 retrieve.
Derek Kilgour was fishing with Hugh Easterbrook – Derek landed three fish, two on a floater with an olive F-fly and the other using a DI7 with an orange booby. Hugh had one using dries.
Stewart Barnes partnered David Bertram – David had three fish using a floater with blobs and a fast, very fast retrieve. Stewart had one fish using a midge tip and a pink booby that was stripped using a Fig of 8 retrieve.
The clubs thirteen rods had fifteen fish – twelve were taken, those weighed 39 pounds 10 oz – a rod average of 1.15 – so perhaps my day wasn’t as bad as I think it was. With luck, Frandy will be kinder to us all.
Something that may be of interest – have a look at the weather site www.yr.no I have been looking at it for the last month and comparing it with XCWeather and I find it more reliable for the long range forecasts.