Lake of Menteith, 29 August 2021

One of the flattest calmest days I have been out in a long time.  About 5 minutes of ripple all day.  It would have been a good day for fishing dries, except the water seems to have warmed up again after the previous week’s sunshine and warmth from the big high pressure system,  I measured…

Coldingham Loch, 14 August 2021

One thing our club can usually count on when we go to Coldingham is rubbish fishing conditions, and yesterday was typical.  Bright for much of the day and a stiff, swirling, variable wind.  Gareth informed us the fish were high in the water and dries were doing well.  So, Bob Whyte and I both set…

Watch Reservoir, 7th August 2021

It was a pleasant change not to be charging up the Edinburgh bypass and M 9. Instead, Pencaitland to Gifford then across the Lammermuirs to Longformacus and up to Watch Reservoir.  On the way, lots of wildlife including two near misses with roe deer, dodging sheep and the most grouse that I’ve ever seen. This…